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AQU Catalunya Certificate

AQU Catalunya has presented the final report assessing the design of the Quality Assurance Internal System of the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya with a positive overall assessment, considering that the design is robust and has a number of strengths that enable implementation with guaranteed success.

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This section shows the processes that are part of the Quality Assurance Internal System. The relationship guidelines and processes include:

Code General information
919.IND Índice SAIQ
919.MQ Manual de Calidad
919.SAIQ Presentación del SAIQ
Quality guideline Code Processes
1. Política y objetivos de calidad 919.P.1.1 Definición de política y objetivos de Calidad
2. Garantía de calidad de los programas formativos 919.P.2.1 Programación de la oferta formativa
919.P.2.2 Diseño, seguimiento, modificación y acreditación de estudios formativos
919.P.2.3 Presupuestación de programas formativos
919.P.2.4 Puesta en marcha de programas formativos
919.P.2.5 Suspensión de programas formativos
919.P.2.6 Extinción de programas formativos
919.P.2.7 Seguimiento y acreditación de programas formativos
3. Orientación al estudiante y desarrollo de la formación 919.P.3.1 Perfiles de ingreso/egreso y captación de los alumnos
919.P.3.2 Acceso, admisión y matriculación de los alumnos
919.P.3.3 Acogida y orientación a los alumnos
919.P.3.4 Metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje
919.P.3.5 Evaluación de los alumnos
919.P.3.6 Gestión de la movilidad de los alumnos
919.P.3.7 Gestión de la orientación profesional y prácticas profesionales
919.P.3.8 Gestión de incidencias, reclamaciones y sugerencias
4. Calidad del personal académico y de administración y servicios 919.P.4.1 Definición de políticas de personal docente y no docente
919.P.4.2 Captación y selección del personal no docente
919.P.4.3 Plan de acogida del personal no docente
919.P.4.4 Formación del personal no docente
919.P.4.5 Captación y selección del personal docente
919.P.4.6 Formación, evaluación y reconocimiento del personal docente
919.P.4.7 Evaluación, promoción y reconocimiento del personal no docente
5. Calidad de recursos materiales y servicios 919.P.5.1 Gestión de los recursos materiales
919.P.5.2 Gestión de los Servicios
6. Calidad de análisis y utilización de los resultados 919.P.6.1 Análisis y utilización de los resultados
919.P.6.2 Auditoría Interna
919.P.6.3 Gestión de Riesgos y Oportunidades
7. Publicación de información y rendición de cuentas 919.P.7.1 Publicación de información sobre titulaciones

VSMA Framework

The Framework for the assessment, monitoring, modification and accreditation of recognised degree courses (MVSMA) links these quality assessment processes (assessment, monitoring, modification and accreditation) which take place throughout the courses, in order to establish coherent links between all of them and foster greater efficiency in their management, while retaining the objective of improving the courses.


In order to be officially valid, EHEA degrees must undergo an evaluation process by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya): assessment. These teaching proposals must be prepared following the regulatory framework of the UPC and the AQU Catalunya guidelines. Once the course has been assessed, it is referred to the Government of Catalonia so that it can be implemented, in accordance with the established programming criteria and the available funding. Finally, the Council of Ministers establishes the official nature of the university degree courses and orders their inclusion in the Register of Universities, Faculties and Degrees (RUCT).


The assessed qualifications must monitor their teaching based on an analysis of data and indicators, and the preparation, where appropriate, of proposals for improvement that remedy the shortcomings observed between the design of the courses in the assessment and their subsequent implementation. This evaluation, carried out by the academic managers of the course, must be documented by means of a report that will act as a source of evidence for the accreditation of each degree. Modifications to the course may only be made if they have been recorded in the report.


Modifications to recognised degrees may only be the result of the monitoring process, and are therefore the natural and anticipated result of this process. For this reason, each course can only undergo the modification process once each academic year. The possible changes can be classified by type:

  • Non-substantial: minor changes that improve the degree course and are incorporated into the course report when it has to be modified.
  • Substantial: changes that entail alterations in the structure or nature and objectives of the teaching:
    • Allowable: changes that affect the structure of the course but do not entail any change in its nature and objectives. These changes are requested in the modification process.
    • Non-allowable: substantial changes that affect the nature and objectives of the validated degree course, which will take effect by applying for a further validation of the course and discontinuation of the course in its current form.


Degree courses will be subject to the accreditation process within six years of the initial validation (or previous accreditation), in the case of bachelor's and doctorate courses, and four years in the case of master's degree courses. A review report on the training programme is issued based on an evaluation report prepared by the academic administrators of the degree course and a site visit by an External Review Committee appointed by AQU Catalunya.

Evaluation of degree courses

Degree courses Assessment Monitoring Modifications Accreditation
Degree in Digital Design and Multimedia Technologies
(2023 programme)
Report 2022-2023
Evaluation 2022-2023
Resolution 2022-2023
Degree in Design, Animation and Digital Art
(2023 programme)
Report 2022-2023
Evaluation 2022-2023
Resolution 2022-2023
Degree in Video Game Design and Development
(2014 programme)
Report 2013-2014
Evaluation 2013-2014
Resolution 2013-2014
ISC* 2019-2021
ISC* 2017-2019
Report 2021-2022
Evaluation 2021-2022
Auto Report 2019-2020
Evaluation 2020-2021
Validated Study by Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU Catalunya)
Degree in Multimedia
(2009 programme) - phased out
Report 2008-2009
Evaluation 2008-2009
Resolution 2008-2009
ISC* 2019-2021
ISC* 2017-2019
Report 2010-2011
Evaluation 2010-2011
Auto Report 2015-2016
Evaluation 2016-2017
Excellent Accreditation by Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU Catalunya)
Degree in Design, Animation and Digital Art
(2017 programme) - phased out
Report 2016-2017
Evaluation 2016-2017
Resolution 2016-2017
Validated Study by Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU Catalunya)
ISC* 2019-2021
ISC* 2017-2019

* ISC Centre Monitoring Report

Additional documentacion

Degrees Files
Degree in Design, Animation and Digital Art
(2023 programme)
1.10 Comisión interna
1.10 Descripción de los procedimientos de consulta internos y externos utilizados para el plan de estudios
1.10 El entorno social y cultural
1.10 Experiencia previa en el centro
1.10 Interés académico y científico
1.10 Interés profesional
1.10 Perfiles profesionales
1.10 Títulos de universidades españolas, títulos de universidades extranjeras y otros referentes externos
1.13 Descripción de las estrategias metodológicas de innovación docente específicas
1.14 Referencias
1.14 Referencias V2
3.3 Procedimientos organización movilidad
4.2 Actividades y metodologías docentes
4.3 Sistemas de evaluación
5.2 Recursos humanos
5.2.a_5.2.b Anexo profesorado
5.2.c Anexo Plan PDI
6.1 Recursos materiales y servicios
6.2. Evaluación y listado de empresas prácticas externas
8.2 Medios para la información pública
Degree in Digital Design and Multimedia Technologies
(2023 programme)
1.14 Perfiles fundamentales egreso v2
Degree in Design, Animation and Digital Art
(2023 programme)
1.14 Perfiles profesionales v2
Degree in Digital Design and Multimedia Technologies
(2023 programme)
1.10 Justificación del interés del título
1.14 Perfiles fundamentales egreso
3.3 Procedimientos organización movilidad
4.2 Actividades formativas y metodologías docentes_v2
4.2 Actividades y metodologías docentes
4.3 Sistemas de evaluación
5.2 Recursos humanos
6.1 Recursos materiales y servicios
6.2 Evaluación prácticas externas y listado de empresas
8.2 Medios para la información pública


You can consult the centre's main indicators at the following link:

Centre de la Imatge i la Tecnologia Multimèdia Data. UPC


You can contact us about any information, suggestion or proposal related to quality issues you would like to make by emailing

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